Monday 2 May 2016


I'm not really new to parenting. I've got a daughter of two and another on the way, so compared to where I was two years ago, I'm much more experienced. I've learned everything I need to know.

Complacency is dangerous with toddlers.

The "Whys" have started this week. This is especially bad because I'm a science teacher which practically means I've got a Hypocratic Oath to answer "Why" questions. Even if they're presented every thirty seconds day after day after day. With a toddler, it can get deep too quickly.

Me: "Celeste, eat your dinner sweetheart"

Celeste: "Why?"

Me: "Because it give you energy to play"

Celeste: "Why?"

Me: "Because your body uses the goodness in food to make energy"

Celeste: "Why?"

Me: "Because your cells use complicated biochemical reactions to..."

Celeste: "Why?"

Me: "Because that's how life evolved"

Celeste: "Why?"

Me: "I don't know"




Celeste: "Why?"

Lesson learned: Sometimes questions don't need an answer.

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